Seward Questions Time-Warner Cable For Removing Binghamton TV News – All Otsego

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Seward Questions Time-Warner Cable

For Removing Binghamton TV News

Wbng_2009ONEONTA – State Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, is calling on Time Warner Cable/Charter Communications and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to review a recent decision to remove WBNG-TV, the Binghamton TV station, from the Otsego County cable television lineup.

“Many families and individuals depend on local television news and programming and the loss of WBNG is a public safety concern as well as a quality of life issue,” said Senator Seward.  “A number of constituents, particularly those who live in the southern portion of Otsego County, have contacted me with their concerns over this channel change.  I am hopeful that switch will be reconsidered.”

Time Warner Cable/Charter Communications recently dropped Binghamton-based WBNG-TV from the Otsego County cable lineup and replaced it with Utica-based WKTV’s new CBS signal.  Now Otsego County viewers receive two WKTV channels, one an NBC affiliate and the other a CBS affiliate, broadcasting identical local news, weather, and sports.

In letters to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and Charter Communications Senior Executive Vice President David Ellen, Senator Seward writes:

“While Otsego County may be considered as part of the Utica television market, much of the county is closer to Binghamton and shares many of the same concerns with that region.  It seems to me that WBNG, which has been broadcast in the region since 1954, should continue to be available to viewers in Otsego County.

“This appeal is in no way a criticism of WKTV.  I have written letters in support of the Utica-based station in the past, and respect their local news coverage.  However, by dropping WBNG from the Otsego County cable television lineup Time Warner Cable is limiting choice, and showing disregard for area subscribers.”

Seward said the decision may follow “must carry” guidelines, but “there are instances when commonsense should trump bureaucratic policies.”

County viewers tendency to look toward Binghamton goes back to the days when the Binghamton Press was the county’s afternoon daily newspaper, operating a news bureau out of Oneonta.



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