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Trustees May Form New ‘Entity’

To Confer With Hall On Induction

Vin Russo, Mickey’s Place proprietor, (back to camera), suggests to the Cooperstown Village Board at this evening meeting that it form an “entity” to interface with the Hall of Fame over issues that rose during this Induction Weekend, then to do so again in advance of future Inductions. “There were a lot of things that did come up,” said Russo. “While it is fresh in our minds, I think we should discuss what we might do about it.” One current issue is the metal fences the Hall installs along Main Street, how close they should be to the curbs and whether there are sufficient breaks for people to cross the street. Further, Russo said, often people don’t know where to raise questions, with Village Hall, the Baseball Hall, police or whatever. After he departed, Trustee Cindy Falk said, “I think Vinnie’s idea is a good one.” Mayor Jeff Katz assigned the question to Falk’s Economic Development Committee, with perhaps forming such an entity during August. Seated, from left, are Trustees Jim Dean, Falk and Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch, Village Attorney Martin Tillapaugh, Mayor Katz, Village Clerk Teri Barown, and Trustees Richard Sternberg and Lou Allstadt. (Jim Kevlin/
Vin Russo, Mickey’s Place proprietor, (back to camera), suggests to the Cooperstown Village Board this evening that it form an “entity” to interface with the Hall of Fame over issues that arose during this Induction Weekend, then to do so again in advance of future Inductions. “There were a lot of things that did come up,” said Russo. “While it is fresh in our minds, I think we should discuss what we might do about it.” One current issue is the metal fences the Hall installs along Main Street, how close they are to curbs and whether there are sufficient breaks for people to cross the street. Further, Russo said, often people don’t know where to raise questions, with Village Hall, the Baseball Hall, police or whomever. After he departed, Trustee Cindy Falk said, “I think Vinnie’s idea is a good one.” Mayor Jeff Katz assigned the question to Falk’s Economic Development Committee, to do something perhaps as soon as August. Seated, from left, are Trustees Jim Dean, Falk and Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch, Mayor Katz, Village Clerk Teri Barown, and Trustees Richard Sternberg and Lou Allstadt. (Jim Kevlin/


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