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News from the Noteworthy from LEAF

Five Fabulous Ideas for Fun on the Fourth

Sparkler writing is one way to light up the night in celebration of Independence Day. (Photo provided)

As the Fourth of July is upon us, it’s time to think about celebrating America’s independence in a fun and safe manner. Here are five fabulous ways to plan so that your celebration is memorable for all the right reasons. These ideas can also be adapted for celebrations throughout the summer.

You will notice that there is a bit of a theme here. Celebrating with limited or no alcohol is one of the ways to help keep your guests the safest; both during the gathering, as well as on their way home!

Host a Mocktail Competition: Encourage your guests to get creative by crafting their own signature mocktails. Provide a variety of fresh juices, sodas, sparkling waters and garnishes. You could also add a blind taste test, as well as a “most creative name” contest! Ribbons or funny trophies for the winners are always a hit, too! Not only does this offer a healthy alternative to alcohol, but it also sparks conversation and a bit of friendly competition.

Star-Spangled Crafts: Set up a crafts table where guests can create patriotic decorations. This is a great way to engage kids and adults alike, fostering creativity and providing a take-home souvenir from the day. A little bit of beads, glitter, buttons, ribbon, and glue, along with paper plates and cups, can create long-lasting fun for your event!

Create a DIY Mini-Spa: The Fourth of July can be a really hot day! Turn your back yard into a relaxation zone with homemade face masks, cooling sprays, fruit-infused ice water, and a foot soak station. Sparkling cranberry juice and grape juice can add to the red, white, and blue vibe of the day. And if your guests are really brave, you can even do an ice bath (we hear it’s supposed to be good for us!) in a kiddy pool. Use your imagination. It’s a luxurious way to unwind and stay refreshed without alcohol.

Community Service: Start the day with a community service project, such as joining a neighborhood clean-up, serving at a food pantry, or volunteering at a charity run. This sets a positive tone for the day, and if you have children, it sets a wonderful example of service. Plus, you can be done right after lunch, and celebrate the spirit of community and togetherness the rest of the day.

Sparkler “Writing:” Buy plenty of sparklers, let it get good and dark, decide what you want to write or draw (short and simple is the best), set your smart phone or DSLR camera on long exposure, and HAVE FUN! It is likely to take several tries to get it right, but there are sure to be many laughs along the way. Please share them on your social media! And, for safety’s sake, sparklers and alcohol are not a good mix.

By focusing on these fun and safe activities, you can create a Fourth of July celebration that honors the spirit of the holiday and promotes a sense of community and well-being. Additionally, these fun and engaging ideas can be used anytime you’re having a get together, barbecue, or pool party during the summer!

Julie Dostal is executive director of the LEAF Council on Alcoholism & Addictions, Oneonta.


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