Mike Lynch – All Otsego


Mike Lynch



City Manager Gets $60,000, Doubling His Severance, Plus In Exchange, Martin Murphy Agrees Not To Sue City Hall By LIBBY CUDMORE • for allotsego.com ONEONTA – In a special meeting at 9 a.m. today, City Manager Martin Murphy and the Common Council reached a settlement agreement, allowing Murphy to voluntarily resign with six months severance pay. Murphy, who had served as city manager for 10 months following the departure of former city manager Mike Long, was suspended by a vote of 5-2,…


Mike Lynch Plans Resolution Seeking Manager’s Suspension

Mike Lynch Plans Resolution Seeking Manager’s Suspension ONEONTA – Council member Mike Lynch has advised his colleagues he intends to introduce a resolution asking for the suspension of City Manager Martin Murphy at today’s special Common Council  meeting at 6:30 p.m. The he plans to make a motion authorizing the “payment of contractual severance” if Murphy voluntarily resigns.…


Lynch, Malone Behind Attempt At Oust Murphy, Colleague Says

Lynch, Malone Behind Attempt At Oust Murphy, Colleague Says ‘I’m Very Angry,’ Says Brzozowski.  Manager Can Succeed, He Adds ONEONTA – Common Council members Mike Lynch and Larry Malone are behind efforts to oust City Manager Martin Murphy, Bob Brozowski, one of three Council members that want to give Murphy time to succeed, said this morning. “I’m very angry,” said the usually mild-mannered Council member. Brzozowski said Wednesday’s meeting, purportedly called an initiative of a “360 review” of Murphy’s performance to date, was…

Common Council Special Meeting Unites City Hall, Residents

Common Council Agrees To Work Through Issues By LIBBY CUDMORE • www.allotsego.com ONEONTA –  When City Manager Martin Murphy read The Daily Star on Wednesday, April 22, he was surprised to see that Council Member Mike Lynch, Fourth Ward, was quoted as saying that he had conversations with city workers who felt “either that they’re not getting the respect they deserve or they feel that they have no voice.” It was news to him.  “Until recently, I was not aware of concerns by…

Mayor Schedules Special Council Meeting To Correct Lynch’s Mischaracterizations

Mayor Schedules Special Council Meeting To Correct Lynch’s Mischaracterizations ONEONTA – Mayor Russ Southard has scheduled a special meeting of Common Council for 8 a.m. Friday, in part to correct what he said was Council member Mike Lynch’s mischaracterization of an executive session that followed Tuesday’s regular meeting. Coming out of the executive session, Lynch told the Daily Star reporter he has had “dozens of contacts with city workers who are concerned about the management of the city.  Something’s wrong. …

Lynch Confirms: He Won’t Run Again

Lynch Confirms:  He Won’t Run Again ONEONTA – Common Council member Mike Lynch reportedly announced this evening that he is sticking by his original decision:  He won’t be running for another term in the November elections. Council members Bob Brzozowski, Chip Holmes and Larry Malone have already announced they aren’t running again, meaning there will be four new members on Common Council beginning next Jan. 1, plus a new mayor. So far, only Democratic Gary Herzig has announced a mayoral run.…

Common Council Tables Police, Fire Study

Common Council Tables Police, Fire Study ONEONTA Though the completed study of the Oneonta Fire Department’s equipment was on the table, Common Council decided early tonight to table a motion that would bring the Center for Public Safety Management back to the city to put together a comprehensive analysis of police, fire and EMS needs. “I remain opposed to this,” said Council Member Mike Lynch, Fourth Ward. “Mayor Miller had us looking at how other communities address these needs constantly. …

Charter Input Parsed

Charter Input Parsed By JIM KEVLIN•Hometown Oneonta Edition of Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 There were many issues raised, but two predominated at a tense Common Council meeting Monday, Oct. 13. One, that watering down city-manager credentials from a master’s in public administration (MPA) to a bachelor’s, was an attempt to circumvent the new City Charter, which residents adopted by a 1,128-348 vote in November 2011. Two, that by bypassing former City Manager Mike Long – the city’s first – and…

Council member Lynch Says He Won’t Run Again

Council Member Lynch Says He Won’t Run Again ONEONTA – Fourth Ward Common Council member Mike Lynch doesn’t intend to run for another term next year, he told the ward meeting he hosted last evening at Center Street School. Elected in 2007 to the Center City ward, Lynch, who works for the New York State United Teachers/NEA, has served in several key Common Council roles, including deputy mayor. Mayor Miller said Lynch hasn’t advised him of the decision but that…

Council Member Lynch: Cops, Kindness Solution to Student Woes

Council Member Lynch’s Ward Meeting: Police, Kindness Can Allay Student Woes By LIBBY CUDMORE• allotsego.com ONEONTA – Directed police presence helped calm some of the student chaos on Myrtle Avenue in Mike Lynch’s 4th Ward, but it’s not a long-term solution. “Having a police presence there takes manpower away from bar sweeps and underage parties,” said Lynch at this evening’s ward meeting, held at the Center Street school.  “If we only have three patrol cars out, even if we add a neighborhood…