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County Judge John Lambert this morning swears in the Otsego County Board of Representatives for two-year terms.
County Judge John Lambert this morning swears in the Otsego County Board of Representatives for two-year terms.   Front row, from left, are county Reps. Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla; Len Carson, R-Oneonta; David Bliss, R-Middlefield, and Kathy Clark, R-Otego.  Behind them, from left, are county Reps. Jim Powers, R-Butternuts; Peter Oberacker, R-Maryland; Andrew Stammel, D-Town of Oneonta, and Kay Stuligross, D-Oneonta. (Jim Kevlin/AllOTSEGO.com)



County Board Chair Reelected Unanimously

Kathy Clark, R-Otego, retakes her usual seat at the front of County Board chambers after her unanimous reelection. At left is Carol McGovern, clerk of the board.
Kathy Clark, R-Otego, retakes her usual seat at the front of County Board chambers after her unanimous reelection. At left is Carol McGovern, clerk of the board.

COOPERSTOWN – The only thing missing was white smoke coming out of the chimney at 197 Main.

The attempt by county Rep. Jim Powers, R-Butternuts, to replace Kathy Clark, R-Otego, as chair of the Otsego County Board of Representatives had completely fizzled by this morning.

The three-year chairperson was routinely reelected shortly after the county board's reorganizational meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. today.

It was unanimous – 6,227 weighted votes to zero.  In the end, even Powers, bowing to the inevitable, voted for the woman he's been trying to build a coalition against in recent days.

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