
August 2014 - Page 26

BOUND VOLUMES, August 8, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, August 8, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Elopement – This may certify that my wife Sophia has run away from me for the truly honorable purpose of not going to Ohio & her friends have been so friendly, or rather devilish, as to advise her to quit me; and have kept her, and the children where I could not find them for some months. This is therefore to forbid all persons trusting or harboring her at their peril. Henry…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 15, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, August 15, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Ran Away – From the subscriber on the night of the 30th, Henry Yagers, an indented apprentice about 17 years old, very large of his age, about five feet eight or ten inches high, thick set, his hair short and naturally curled. Any person who will return the said apprentice to the subscriber in the Town of Burlington, in the County of Otsego, or secure him in any Gaol and give information…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 22, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, August 22, 2013 200 YEARS AGO We are informed that a Floating Battery, in the form of an Octagon, constructed under the superintendence of Mr. William Cooper, formerly of this village, was stove to pieces on its way from Oswego to Sacket’s harbor, the fore part of July. It is said that 15 men were navigating it, one or two of whom were drowned and the remainder considerably injured. It is stated to have been built at the…

BOUND VOLUMES, August 29, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, August 29, 2013 200 YEARS AGO To Supervisors – As it is believed that much inequality has hitherto existed in the system of Taxation in this county, owing to the disproportionate rules which have been adopted by the Assessors of the different towns in the valuation of Real and Personal Estates; and, as the time is now arriving when our taxes are likely to be so much increased as to render it more necessary that their weight should…

BOUND VOLUMES, September 12, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, September 12, 2013 175 YEARS AGO Advertisement: On Teething – To Mothers & Nurses. The passage of the teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dangerous symptoms. It is known by mothers that there is great irritation in the mouth and gums during this process. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is increased, the child is seized with frequent and sudden fits of crying, watching, starting in the sleep, and spasms of particular parts; the child shrieks…

BOUND VOLUMES, September 19, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, September 19, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Bank Meeting – At a meeting of a number of Freeholders from the several towns of the county of Otsego, at the Court House, for the purpose of petitioning the Legislature for the incorporation of a bank in said county, Resolved, That David Little be Chairman, and John Russel, Secretary; Resolved that a Petition be presented to the Legislature at their next session for the incorporation of a Bank in the county…

BOUND VOLUMES, September 25, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, September 25, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Alarming!! – Noah Preston, an inhabitant of Camden, in the County of Oneida, being subject to turns of mental derangement, on Saturday, the 11th inst., left his home and family, and after strolling around the fields and woods of his own town, was at last recognized by an old acquaintance, on Oneida Creek, near Oneida Castle, on the same night, and since which time he has not been seen or heard of.…

BOUND VOLUMES, October 3, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, October 3, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Excerpts from the London Pilot of March 20, 1813: We lament, most deeply, to state that another British frigate, the Java, has been taken by the American frigate Constitution. The mourning of our hearts, which commenced on the first capture of a British ship by an American, has been rendered more melancholy, by every successive instance. Not a single American frigate has struck her flag – they insult and laugh at our…

BOUND VOLUMES, October 10, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, October 10, 2013 200 YEARS AGO The employment of Indians in our army seems already to have produced a salutary effect. British officers, dreading recrimination for their cruelties, seem now willing to put a stop to the indiscriminate butchery of prisoners by their savage allies; and a general order has been published from the British headquarters, fixing a premium upon every prisoner, instead of his scalp, which the Indians may bring in. October 9, 1813 175 YEARS AGO…

BOUND VOLUMES, October 24, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, October 24, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Dr. J. Jackson presents his warmest thanks to the inhabitants of the town of Westford and its vicinity, for the truly liberal patronage they have bestowed upon him, in his practice of Physic & Surgery. He would, however, remind his more negligent employers, that to carry on a successful contest with the numerous diseases incident to the human frame, it is necessary that he should be provided with the “sinews of war,”…

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