
August 2014 - Page 27

BOUND VOLUMES, October 31, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, October 31, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Village Ordinance – Whereas the present law for the restraining of Swine within the Village of Cooperstown has proved ineffectual from the difficulty of discovering the owners of the Swine with which the streets are infested, for remedy whereof, Be it ordained by the Trustees of the Village of Cooperstown, That it shall and may be lawful for any of the inhabitants residing within the said village to distrain any hog, shoat…

BOUND VOLUMES, November 7, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, November 7, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Notice – On Sunday, the 14th inst. the Rev. Nathaniel Stacy, will deliver a discourse upon Universal Salvation, at the School House near the Cotton Factory, in Hartwick, at which place he will preach on the second Sunday of each month for the year to come (extraordinary cases excepted) November 6, 1813. November 6, 1813 175 YEARS AGO Ultimate dissolution of the solar system – The idea of the ultimate dissolution of…

BOUND VOLUMES, November 14, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, November 14, 2013 175 YEARS AGO Election in Otsego County – The official canvass of the votes given in this county at the recent general election, shows a majority of 867 for Governor Marcy, 831 for Lt. Governor Tracy, 837 for Senator Clark, 508 for Prentiss for Congress, and an average of 733 for the Democratic Assembly Ticket. In 1836, there were 6,982 votes polled for Governor, — this year 9,025 – making an increase of 2,043. In…

BOUND VOLUMES, November 21, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, November 21, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Domestic Manufactures – It is with singular pleasure we learn that a complete digest of the returns of the U.S. Marshals regarding the manufactures of the United States &c. has been prepared at the Treasury Department, to be laid before Congress at its next season. The grand aggregate value of these manufactures is upwards of one hundred and seventy millions of dollars though the account excludes flour of all kinds, pot and…

BOUND VOLUMES, November 28, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, November 28, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Common Schools – Excerpts from directions for inspectors of common schools disseminated by G. Hawley, State Superintendent of Schools: “The trust which the statute has reposed in the inspectors of schools is great. In the discharge of it they are to proceed with caution and fidelity. In the examination of a candidate for teaching a public school they are to look, not less to moral, than to literary qualification; the character of…

BOUND VOLUMES, December 5, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, December 5, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Monday next is the day fixed upon for the meeting of Congress. So soon as that assembly shall have convened, we hope to see prompt and efficient measures adopted, in pursuance of which the War can be vigorously prosecuted, and its objects the sooner attained. Let our rulers but do their duty and they will be seconded in their exertions by the great mass of population which they represent. The question involved…

BOUND VOLUMES, December 12, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, December 12, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement: Dancing School – Mr. Shepherd, respectfully informs the Gentlemen and Ladies of Cooperstown and Cherry Valley, that, not having met with the success in Johnstown which he expected, he has returned and intends to teach one Quarter more in each of the above places. During this quarter, Mr. S. will introduce several handsome sets of Cotillions, and if any of the Ladies who were taught the last quarter should attend again,…

BOUND VOLUMES, December 19, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, December 19, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement: Information Wanted – On Monday, the 13th inst. Luther Gains left his home near the Union Cotton Factory, in Hartwick, to transact some little business in Cooperstown, and has not since been heard of; the anxiety of his family at his absence is therefore very great. He is about 46 years of age, of a light complexion, and has a large mole on his left cheek; he wore away a black…

BOUND VOLUMES, December 26, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, December 26, 2013 200 YEARS AGO There is not a man in this country who, having in his veins a drop of true American blood, that will not applaud the spirit and promptness of the President’s conduct in retaliating British outrage on the persons of our naturalized citizens, or those who are taken in arms, fighting the battles of our country. The brave fellows fought for our rights, and to defend us – and we should be despicable,…

BOUND VOLUMES, January 2, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, January 2, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Died in this town on the 25th of December, 1813, Mrs. Mary Metcalf, aged 78. She had for many years been a professor of religion and adorned the doctrine which she believed. When the hour of her exit arrived she calmly resigned herself to her fate, and bade a final adieu to the transitory scenes of the world, under the full conviction that through the merits of her Saviour she should inhabit…

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