
August 2014 - Page 28

BOUND VOLUMES, January 9, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, January 9, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement: Factory Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons who wish to become Stockholders in the Woolen and Cotton Factory, at Todd’s Mills, that a meeting will be held at Lemuel Todd’s on Tuesday, the 11th, inst. at one o’clock p.m. for the purpose of organizing a Company. Punctual attendance at the hour is expected. Consumption versus Speculation – The inhabitants of the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, have had a general meeting…

BOUND VOLUMES, January 16, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, January 16, 2014 175 YEARS AGO The message of our Whig Governor (William H. Seward) is most intolerably long, prosing and windy. As a piece of composition, it is sophomoric, involved and inelegant; and as a statesman-like expose it is confused, obscure, over-labored and second-handed. Nearly all that is valuable about it has been promulgated, enforced and reiterated by the Governor’s predecessors – and the small part that is new presents little that is profound in theory or…

BOUND VOLUMES, January 23, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, January 23, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Report from Congress – House of Representatives, Friday, January 7, 1814: Mr. Wheaton, of Massachusetts, presented a petition of Paul Cuffee, a free colored man, who states, that from the motives of religion and humanity he has been induced to attempt the civilization of the inhabitants of the African continent, and praying permission for a vessel to depart from the United States to Sierra Leone for the purpose of carrying a number…

BOUND VOLUMES, January 30, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, January 30, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Notice to the Mechanics of Otsego County – Whereas a number of the Mechanics of the Towns of Milford, Otego and Laurens, have had a meeting at the house of L. Jencks, in the Town of Otego – and, after consideration of the advance of Grain and other commodities, have thought proper to request the Mechanics of the different towns in this county to meet at the Inn of B. Fitch, in…

BOUND VOLUMES, February 6, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, February 6, 2014 200 YEARS AGO The monies actually received into the Treasury during the year ending on the 30th of September 1813 amount to $37,544,954.93. Added to the balance in the Treasury on October 1, 1812 the aggregate amount is $39,907,607.62. A total of $18,484,750 of which has been expended for the Military Department, including militia and volunteers, and the Indian Department; for the Navy Department including the building of new ships and the Marine Corps, $6,420,707.20.…

BOUND VOLUMES, February 13, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, February 13, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – 40 Dollars Reward! Strayed or stolen from the Horse Shed of Mr. Cook, inn-keeper, in the Town of Hartwick, in the night of the 8th, inst. a Span of Black Mares, harnessed together; both natural trotters; one of them rather small, about 16 years old, heavy with foal, with a white spot on each shoulder, made by working in hames, and has a wen-gall on each hind leg – the…

BOUND VOLUMES, February 20, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, February 20, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Excerpts from a letter written by Marringui Velaverde, a woman residing at St.Sebastian, Cuba, regarding atrocities committed by British and Portuguese troops who ransacked the city: “On the 31st of August, (1813) at 4 o’clock p.m., the Anglo-Portuguese troops took possession of the city. The inhabitants who at first had appeared at their windows and upon their balcony’s to hail the arrival of those whom they considered as their deliverers, were no…

BOUND VOLUMES, February 27, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, February 27, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Maple Sugar – The sap begins to run – farmers, look out. It is all important that every effort should be made to obtain a national supply the present year, from our own resources. One of the principle obstacles heretofore has been the loss of sap, trouble and inconvenience, from the awkward machines for catching it, or buckets which are too expensive. To remedy both, make your troughs of white birch bark,…

BOUND VOLUMES, March 6, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, March 6, 2014 200 YEARS AGO Editorial Card – S.R. Brown, the late Editor of the Saratoga Patriot, an eccentric and versatile being, yet firm and persevering in his purposes, when powerful incentives stimulate to exertion, respectfully informs the American people, from St. Croix to Sabine, from the Atlantic to the wilds of Louisiana, that, life, health and contingencies permitting, he will on Monday, the 28th of February, instant, issue from the press of Mssrs.E. and F. Hosford,…

BOUND VOLUMES, March 13, 2014

BOUND VOLUMES, March 13, 2014 200 YEARS AGO “Geographic & Military Museum” We have received the first number of a paper published in Albany, by Samuel R. Brown, under this title. We would recommend it to the attention of the public as worthy of patronage. In the meantime, we give our readers his very eccentric Dedication. “To the brave and patriotic, who are willing to expend blood or treasure in defence of the Republic; no matter in what state or…

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