Otsego 2000 Seeks Nominees
For 2016 Preservation Awards

COOPERSTOWN – Otsego 2000 is accepting nominations for its 2016 Historic Preservation Awards, recognizing efforts in Otsego and Schoharie counties to preserved historic homes, storefronts, commercial and agricultural buildings that contribute to our communities’ sense of place.
The deadline is March 30. Nomination forms are available at www.otsego2000.org, by e-mailing director@otsego2000.org, or by calling 547-8881. Categories include:
- Cornerstone Award: For a project that promotes a preservation ethic through the maintenance, repair, or adaptive reuse of a historic building or landscape. Cornerstone projects need not be large in scale; rather they are the foundational projects that preserve historic character and integrity piece by piece.
- Community Pillar Award: A business, government, or other organization that has demonstrated responsible stewardship of, and a commitment to, the historic integrity of a building, landscape, or streetscape.
- Renaissance Award: For revitalizing a building or landscape while keeping or renewing its historic character. Properties receiving this award are not only improved in their own right, but provide benefits to the neighborhood or community.
- Fieldstone Award: For the rehabilitation or adaptive re-use of farm buildings, such as barns, corn cribs, smokehouses, milk houses, or other agricultural outbuildings.
- Preservation Advocate Award: An individual or group who encourages and participates in preservation opportunities for the benefit of the community.
- Education and Outreach Award: For a project such as an educational publication, history exhibit or program, or interpretative signage. Projects nominated in this category must demonstrate that they further historic preservation goals or objectives.
Nominated projects must have been completed in the past five years. Nominators are encouraged to call Otsego 2000 to review their nominations and ensure their eligibility. An independent judging panel composed of professionals from historic preservation and related fields will select the winners to be honored at a ceremony in May, in conjunction with National Historic Preservation Month.
Since 1999, Otsego 2000 has sponsored the annual Historic Preservation Awards for Otsego and Schoharie Counties. A wide variety of projects have been recognized over the years for the rehabilitation of historic homes, barns, inns, and storefronts, stewardship of buildings and landscapes, and the creation of educational exhibits and books; several individuals who have made contributions to historic preservation have also been recognized. Recent honorees include the Maple Museum in Jefferson, the Hartwick Historical Society for establishing the Hartwick Historic District, George Hymas’ home in Cooperstown, the former Catlin Memorial Library in Springfield Center, Spring House Spa in Sharon Springs, and Laura and Charles Shipley’s home in Laurens.
For further information or to obtain a nomination form, please contact Otsego 2000 at (607) 547-8881, director@otsego2000.org, or online at http://www.otsego2000.org. Please note that all nominations must be received by the end of the day on March 30, 2016.