Village Board Races Shaping Up
3 Democratic Candidates Seek
Separate Independent Lines
COOPERSTOWN – Joining Republican Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns, the three Democratic incumbents for Village Board filed for independent lines on the March 18 ballot by the 5 p.m. deadline Tuesday evening.
In addition to having her name on the Democratic ballot line, Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch will appear on the “Village United” line. Trustee Joe Membrino’s line is “Liberty Party,” and Trustee MacGuire Benton’s, “Many Voices, One Village.”
Robbins’ line is “Heart of Cooperstown,” picking up on her recuperation from a heart transplant last summer. She filed her petitions Monday morning.
Candidates often file for an independent line, to allow a Democrat to vote for a Republican without pulling the other party’s lever, and vice versa.
Village Administrator Teri Barown, who administers village elections, said she hadn’t counted the signatures on each petition, but they were “well over” the 50 required.
She said the petitions may be challenged until 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13.
Asked if it is unusual for candidates of the same party to file on different independent lines, Barown replied: “I wouldn’t say it’s unusual; sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t.”