Baseball Camps
Open Tomorrow
At noontime today, Maskot’s, across Route 28 from Dream Park’s entrance in Hartwick Seminary, had a full parking lot, and servers, from left, Josie Furnari, Cooperstown, and Ally Baker and Leeza Shultz, both of Oneonta, were greeting customers. That’s because Dreams Park and Cooperstown All-Star Village players and their families are arriving today, in anticipation of Saturday’s 7:30 a.m. opening ceremonies. By summer’s end, some 200,000 will be attracted by the youth baseball parks alone. Inset left, Wood Bat Factory manager Chrissie Bridger adds orange highlights to the store’s sign, among businesspeople on Otsego County’s “baseball strip” adding highlights at the season begins. License plates were spotted from Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio and Pennsylvania. (Thomas Rhodes & Jim Kevlin/AllOTSEGO.com)