Fox Golf Tourney Raises
$50,000 For Ultrasound
ONEONTA – The Fox Hospital Foundation’s 20th Annual Golf Classic at the Oneonta Country Club on June 24 raised more than $50,000 toward a new ultrasound machie in the Department of Surgical Services.
“We are incredibly grateful,” said Sarah Abbatine, Fox Foundation fundraising coordinator. In all, 27 donors and 140 golfers participated.
Dr. Jonathan Sastic, a surgeon with Oneonta Surgical Associates for more than 34 years, was this year’s recipient of the Sid Levine Award, named after the Oneonta Ford president and Oneonta Yankees’ partner who was one of the foundation’s founders.
Overall winners with a low net score of 54 were the foursome from Bank of Cooperstown: Kyle Liner, Josh Burden, Ray Holohan, and Bob Gouldin, who will have their names engraved on the Doc Lusins Cup. Prizes were also awarded for longest drives, straightest drives, and closest to the pin.
Fox thanks the following sponsors: NYCM Insurance, Fust Charles Chambers, Preferred Mutual Insurance, Compass One, UA Local 112 Plumbers & Pipefitters, NBT Bank, StatStaff, and Medline.