Town of Richfield
Comp Plan, Zoning
Showdown Tonight
Anti-Windmill Faction Plans Vote
RICHFIELD SPRINGS – A showdown is expected this evening between two factions on the Richfield Town Board when a vote is due on a comprehensive plan and zoning code that grew out of the opposition to the the Monticello Hills Wind Farm.
The board meets at 7 p.m. in the Richfield Springs Central School cafeteria.
One faction, Town Board members Larry Frigault, Rex Seamon and Kane Seamon, are expected to vote for the comp plan and related zoning. Supervisor Paul Palumbo and Town Board member Fred Eckler are expected to vote nay.
The wild card at the meeting are petitions submitted to the town board last week, which may force a “supermajority” to approve the plan and code. If upheld — and that may not happen tonight – the anti-windmill faction will lack the 4-1 spread required for approval.