Former Food Pantry
Manager Pleads Guilty

COOPERSTOWN – Antoine Bourbon-Parme, 59, the former director of the Cooperstown Food Pantry, has plead guilty to grand larceny, fourth degree, for stealing more than $18,000 from the organization, according to District Attorney John Muehl.
“Normally, if it was someone with no criminal history, I might have charged them with a misdemeanor if they agreed to pay restitution,” said Meuhl. “But because of who the victim was, I insisted on a felony. You don’t steal from the food pantry.”
Bourbon-Parme will be sentenced on Friday, Dec. 20 to three years conditional discharge – if arrested, he could be re-sentenced for this crime – and will have to pay back the entire amount of money he stole at his sentencing.
“My main goal was to get restitution,” said Muehl.