Give Mayor Help She Needs
To Complete Work At Hand
To the Editor:
Under the leadership of Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh, the good work of the village government has continued. The enormous wastewater treatment plant rebuild has begun, as has the Doubleday Field renovation.
Add to that the fantastic update of Pioneer Park and the TEP Main Street project and the village has never looked as good, or been taken care of so well.
This is not easy work and takes a mayor and Board of Trustees (including Joe Membrino and MacGuire Benton, both running for reelection) dedicated, both in spirit and in time, to getting the job done.
I was speaking with a Main Street business owner recently who had had an epiphany – it wasn’t so long ago that improvements to the village infrastructure were few and far between.
He was now so used to the constant work being done to bring the village to the improved condition it deserves to be in that he’d forgotten that this wasn’t always the state of things.
Let’s keep that constructive progress going by voting for Tillapaugh, Membrino and Benton. Election Day is March 18.