Seward Out Of ICU,
Chief Of Staff Says

ONEONTA – “Due to his improving condition,” State Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, was moved out of Albany Medical Center’s Intensive Care Unit late last night, his chief of staff, Duncan Davie, announced this morning, another step in the lawmaker’s recovery from the coronavirus.
“He continues to recover from COVID-19 at Albany Medical Center under the care of his physician and will convalesce at home as soon as it is deemed appropriate to do so,” Davie said.
His statement continued:
“Cindy Seward and her family express their profound gratitude to the medical team that has attended Sen. Seward during his illness. Cindy is particularly appreciative of the loving care lavished on the COVID-19 patients at Albany Med. They are deeply grateful to both friends and strangers who have prayed intensely for Senator Seward’s recovery, and give praise and thanks to God for his Providential care.
“Many, many constituents of the senator’s, colleagues, acquaintances, and others have expressed love, support and prayers during the past two weeks, and Cindy and the family are very thankful. The letters, e-mails, calls to the office, and expressions mean so much because the family has been unable, due to Cindy’s COVID-19 status, to be together.
“Having been through this double-whammy with COVID, Cindy asks for prayers for all COVID-19 patients and their caregivers. She urges everyone to take it seriously – to use all recommended precautions, and to help our neighbors.
“On behalf of the senator’s staff, we are grateful to God beyond words, and relieved, that our mentor, friend and leader is recovering.”
Really happy to hear Jim is making good progress toward full healing. He jas served his constituents well for many years and I thank him for his service. Continue to heal Jim.
This is awesome news. Keep up the good fight Jim. You are amazing! We are praying for you to cross the finish line with a smile on your face and your hands in the air.
So glad for this good news. Senator Seward is a honorable person and greatly admired. God bless you.
Praise God! I will continue to pray for the entire Seward family.
So thankful
God bless Senator Seward and his family
So glad you’re on the recovery train thank you Jesus and thank you senator for your years of service. GODS BLESSINGS