Common Council Could
Resume in Chambers By July
ONEONTA – Oneonta Common Council could resume holding meetings in person by July, Katie Böttger, personnel director, told the council during their remote meeting earlier this evening.
“It’s up to all of you,” she said. “But (the state) advises working remotely through the end of June.”
Common Council has been meeting on Zoom and streaming the meetings live on the city’s YouTube channel.
Mayor Gary Herzig cited the difficulties of allowing the public into the chambers as a reason to continue meeting remotely for the time being. “It’s hard to keep social distancing in chambers,” he said. “For now, we need to continue meeting remotely.”
Additionally, the state still has a ban on congregating in groups larger than 10 in place. However, he said that the city has figured out a way to hold a public hearing online, should the need arise.
“We need to treat this as normal and set an example for the people of the city of Oneonta,” said Herzig.