Bound Volumes
Taken Up – By the subscriber, on the 26th, near Lippitt’s Mills in Hartwick, a chestnut-colored horse, about ten or 11 years old, with white hind feet and a few white hairs in his forehead, and a white spot on the left side of his lower jaw — shod all round. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. Seth Hacket, Hartwick, August 28.
August 31, 1811
We are glad to notice in our exchange papers that the attention of the democracy in several county conventions has been directed to the repeal of the law restraining private banking, and that they have, in each case, given their decided approbation of the measure. The effect of the proposed repeal would be simply to permit any private individual, who possessed the means, to discount and make loans, as the banks now do exclusively. It is not proposed to allow individuals to issue any paper to pass as money, but to confine them to the use of the existing currency – the notes of the state banks and gold and silver. In our judgment, no satisfactory reason can be assigned why individuals should be restrained from loaning their own money, which would not, with equal justice, restrain individuals from renting their land, or loaning any of their personal property.
September 5, 1836
For the War – Messrs. Morris Foote, Marmaduke Cooper and Wash. B. Fairman, left this village on Tuesday last to join the People’s (or Ellsworth) Regiment at Albany. Cooperstown is now well represented in that Regiment. Twenty young men left Cherry Valley for the war on Monday last.
Enlist! Young men desirous of joining the Army now have an opportunity of enlisting in the First Regiment, Oregon Rifles – now quartered at Williamsport, Md. One hundred mounted and 100 foot Riflemen wanted. Apply to Capt. W.T. Worrall or Lieut. D.W. White, Cooperstown.
September 6, 1861
The sewer: The defective manner in which the work was done by the contractor who had charge of laying the sewer main in this village, especially along the bank of and in the river, is still further illustrated by the work now being done on about 700 feet of it, under direction of Mr. H.B. Walker, a civil engineer, by order of the village trustees, and at an expense of several hundred dollars. The pipe was laid in the mud and quicksand, and in the most slipshod manner, and of late it had parted in so many places and became so generally out of order as to be worthless as a drain for sewage. It is now being relayed in a plank trough. If the trustees had in the first place selected their own engineer, instead of allowing the contractor to do so, all this trouble and expense might have been avoided.
September 4, 1886
Mr. Lawrence Trimble of the Vitagraph Company has arrived in town to make some preliminary arrangements for photographing in moving pictures the Cooper tales. He has engaged contractor Luther D. Robinson to build a float to represent Hutter’s Castle, and the services of Armine Gazlay have been secured to assist in the manufacture of suitable craft for the tales of pioneer days. Within two weeks the Vitagraph players to the number of 50 or more will be here. They will probably stop at the Five-Mile Point Inn on account of its close proximity to the lake and the Cooper scenes. Among the actors who will come are Miss Turner and James Halleck Reid, both of whom were here in July. Mr. Trimble and some of the company have been in the Catskills for the last few weeks doing some Indian dramas. The Boy Scout picture, which was taken here in July, is listed for release in October.
September 6, 1911
During the month of August, Sheriff Fred F. Fox received 50 prisoners in the Otsego County jail at Cooperstown. Of these, 16 have completed their sentences and some are out on bail. At the present time, 26 are still confined. Owen Murphy of Richfield Springs was sentenced Monday by Judge Lee D. VanWoert in Children’s Court to serve 90 days for failure to make payments to aid in the support of his family. Merl Green of Midddlefield was arrested Monday night by Officer Arthur F. Choate on the charge of driving an automobile without an operator’s license. He pleaded guilty and was fined five dollars which he paid.
September 2, 1936