Seward Bill Widening Insurance Coverage For Heroin Addiction Passes State Senate – All Otsego

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Seward Bill Widening Insurance Coverage

For Heroin Addiction Passes State Senate

Senator Seward

State Sen. Jim Seward’s bill to ensure insurance is more available for in-hospital treatment for heroin addiction was one of 23 of 25 bills proposed by Senate Republicans that passed the Senate Monday.

The bill, co-sponsored by Seward, who chairs the Senate Insurance Committee, also requires insurers to continue to provide in-hospital treatment during the appeals process.

The Milford Republican said he proposed the bill because of complaints from parents seeking treatment for their children that insurance companies were refusing coverage.

The Assembly is now taking up the legislation and, while there were complaints that some of the bills are too focused on punishment than treatment, is was expected that at least some of them would be adopted this session, which ends June 19.

Review the list of 23 bills that passed the Senate



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