Celebrate Your Local Library
LIBRARY LOVERS MONTH – Kick-off at 3:30 featuring a mayoral proclamation, cookies, and contest announcements.
Month long celebration of the Village Library. Festivities will include a writing contest, literary themed snow sculpture challenge, literary specials from local businesses, and much more. Culminates with annual book sale open March 4, 5 & 6. Presented by The Friends of the Village Library of Cooperstown, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. 607-434-3418 or visit www.villagelibraryofcooperstown.org
SUPPORT GROUP – 7 – 9 p.m. If you’ve lost someone, join local grief recovery group Grief Share for weekly support sessions & seminars on topics from ‘Is This Normal,’ to ‘Grief and Relationships.’ Presented by Community Bible Chapel, 577 Greenough Rd., Cooperstown. 607-547-9764 or visit communitybiblechapel.com