Galaxies and Nebulae
with the Planetarium
PLANETARIUM – 7 – 8 p.m. Hop online for virtual deep dive into space and its wonders. This month take a deep dive into the science behind nebulae and galaxies. Free, registration REQUIRED. Presented by The A.J. Read Science Discovery Center, SUNY Oneonta. Visit www.eventbrite.com/o/science-discovery-center-and-planetarium-14332374215
VIRTUAL JOB FAIR – 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Join the Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) grant program for a women focused online job fair. Free. Presented by The Workforce Development Board of Herkimer, Madison & Oneida, Chenango, Delaware & Otsego. Visit www.working-solutions.org/events/eventdetail/166/-/women-in-apprenticeship-and-nontraditional-occupations-wanto-grant-virtual-job-fair
BASEBALL HISTORY – 1 p.m. ‘Civil Rights: Before You Could Say Jackie Robinson’ discussion on the history of the ongoing quest for freedom in baseball, from the Civil War to the Civil Rights movement. Free, registration for Zoom required. Presented by the Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown. 607-547-7200 or visit baseballhall.org/events/virtual-field-trip-civil-rights-2022?date=0
ARTIST TALK – 5 p.m. Artist Adam Masava discusses his exhibit of works celebrating the entrepreneurial community of the informal settlement of Masava, outside Nairobi. Free, registration required. Limited in-person seats or join online through Zoom. Presented by The Art Garage, Cooperstown. 607-547-5327 or visit www.facebook.com/TheArtGarageCooperstown
INTERNATIONAL NIGHT – 5 – 8 p.m. Enjoy 3-course meal from abroad. This week enjoy dinner from Lebanon. Cost, $25/person. Reservation required. Take-out available. The Otesaga, Cooperstown. 607-544-2524 or visit www.otesaga.com/dining/seasonal-dining
WRITERS SERIES – 7 p.m. Hartwick’s spring visiting writers series presents Michael Peters for a reading followed by a Q&A session. Peters is a multimedia artist, musician, poet, writer, and author whose works explore ‘the real’ through old & new media. Free, in-person, open to the public. Eaton Lounge, Bresee Hall, Hartwick College. 607-431-4921 or visit www.hartwick.edu/academics/academic-departments/english-department/visiting-writers-series/