Cook Healthy with the
Cornell Cooperative Extension
COOK-A-LONG – 5:30 p.m. Join nutrition educator for 6 week series of classes on the why and how of healthy eating. Nutrition lesson includes a cook-a-long dish each week with a recipe. Free, registration required. Presented by the Cornell Cooperative Extension. 518-234-4303 ext. 120 or visit cceschoharie-otsego.org/events/2021/11/22/whats-for-dinner-virtual
TAI CHI – 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Otsego county seniors are invited to group ‘Tai Chi for arthritis.’ Practice deep breathing, moving, and help prevent falls. Free, Registration required. Presented by Otsego County Office for the Aging at New Life Fellowship Hall, Gilbertsville Baptist Church, Commercial St., Gilbertsville. 607-547-4232
WALKING CLUB – 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a fun walk on Mondays & Fridays with friends old and new and listen to music of the 70s. Free for members, non-members aged 50+. Clark Sports Center, Cooperstown. 547-2800, ext. 109 or visit www.clarksportscenter.com
RABIES CLINIC – 3 – 6 p.m. Free rabies vaccination for cats, dogs, ferrets. Scheduling to follow social distancing, masks required. First come, first serve, bring your pets vaccine certificate for the Vets reference. Susquehanna SPCA, Rt. 28, Cooperstown. 607-547-4230 or visit sqspca.org
DREAM CIRCLE – 6 p.m. Join the group each week on Zoom to discuss dreams and what the unconscious is trying to teach in a safe and supportive group. Presented by Christene Springle from Christene Springle from Mountain Magic Healing Studio. 607-287-7278 or visit www.facebook.com/ChristeneSpringleMountainMagic