Oneonta Fire Dept. Responds at Lutz Feed Fire – All Otsego

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4 Tons Of Smoldering Material Removed

Lutz Feed General Manager Blake Lutz shovels smoldering feed into a removal been early this afternoon after fire broke out in one of the roaster/coolers at the Lower River Street plant.  (Ian Austin/
Lutz Feed General Manager Blake Lutz shovels smoldering feed into a removal been early this afternoon after fire broke out in one of the roaster/coolers at the Lower River Street plant.  (Ian Austin/


ONEONTA – Three OFD fire engines, including a ladder truck, were dispatched to Lutz Feed on Lower River Street about 1 p.m. today to contain a fire that had broken out in one of the roaster/cooling tanks.

Small husks from the beans in the feed occasionally catch fire during the roasting process, explained General Manager Blake Lutz.

“After roasting they are put into a cooling tank where they are hit with a blast of air,” said Lutz.  “If these little particles are already on fire, it can cause a problem. We’ve had a couple of these fires before. It is an unfortunate hazard of the roasting process.”

The fire was subdued quickly, but crews had to flush nearly four tons of smoldering feed out of the tanks to insure no other flare ups occurred.

“It was a good day until this happened,” said Lutz.  “But at least no one was hurt.”


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