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‘Mother’s Day Bouquets’

Made At CANO Paint, Sip

Mothers and daughters enjoyed an afternoon of art and wine at CANO's first annual Paint and Sip. With wine from Dietz and Wall Wines and the guidance of Annie Kuhn, participants tried their hands at painting a mother's day bouquet in acrylics. Here, Lisa Nunez, Oneonta, front, sister Debbie Iannella, Oneonta, rear, pose with their mother Loretta Costello, Center, who came up to visit from New Jersey, pose with their paintings in progress. (Ian Austin/
Mothers and daughters enjoyed an afternoon of art and wine at CANO’s first annual Paint and Sip. With wine from Dietz & Wall Wines and the guidance of for CANO president Annie Kuhn, participants tried their hands at painting a Mother’s Day bouquet in acrylics. Here, Lisa Nunez, Oneonta, front, and sister Debbie Iannella, Oneonta, rear, pose with their mother Loretta Costello, center, visiting from New Jersey. (Ian Austin/


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