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Oneonta Downtown Renaissance by Cassandra Miller

Streetscape Project in Full Swing

Market and Water streets in downtown Oneonta have been a construction zone for about a year since the demolition of the 50-year-old parking garage. While traffic and parking have shifted and caused drivers to change their habits, it’s important to keep in mind that this project is one of the most apparent signs of progress in Oneonta.

The work and disruption are not for naught. It is a temporary challenge for permanent improvement. Construction will make this corridor better than before, with updated sidewalks, street lamps, paving, and infrastructure such as drainage structures. It’s a sign of major investment from the state in our city to build a new transit hub.

While the construction has certainly shifted how we navigate downtown, it’s also a symbol of growth. These necessary changes pave the way for the future of Oneonta, one where we can walk, shop and gather in a revitalized corridor designed with the community in mind.

The improvements will enhance the shopping and dining experience downtown and help make these spaces ones that people want to experience. From more pedestrian-friendly sidewalks to welcoming street lighting, the project aims to create a vibrant and attractive destination for both locals and visitors alike.

Much of the work up until now has been significant to the engineers working on the project, but over the next few weeks, the area will become usable for pedestrians and businesses on Water Street.

The final stage of the Water Street project is in full swing through November. The City of Oneonta has shared the timeline for the following steps via (which anyone can sign up for to receive e-mails about city projects).

  • Beginning Thursday, September 26, a set of gates was added at the entrance of Water Street at Chestnut Street, and concrete barriers were removed.
  • Beginning Monday, September 30, the remainder of granite curbing and brick pavers were removed, and preparation for the installation of new granite curbs and streetlight bases began at the northwest corner of the road from the Yellow Deli to the east.
  • On Tuesday, October 8, installation of the new granite curbs started on Chestnut Street and working toward Water Street. After the installation, the preparation of sidewalks will begin.
  • On Monday, October 14, the sidewalk installation will start at the northwest corner of Water Street at the Yellow Deli to the east. This work is anticipated to be completed in three days. When complete, preparation will begin for asphalt pavement.
  • The week of October 21, asphalt pavement will be placed in the roadway, followed by directional signage and striping. Peripheral work will continue with landscaping to the south side of the roadway and miscellaneous placement of benches and other specialty items.

To stay updated on the Market Street project, visit

Cassandra Miller is a member of the Oneonta Downtown Renaissance Steering Committee and the editor of the “Townie” Substack newsletter.


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