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Bound Volumes

October 17, 2024


Ladies at the County Fair—Our attention was first directed to the Domestic Manufactures. The Ladies deserve much praise, for their department has become an attractive feature of the Exhibition. There was a good display of quilts. There were 12 entries. A beautiful silk patchwork quilt, containing 3,000 pieces, by Mrs. James F. Smith of Richfield Springs, was much admired as a work which had required no little time and skill to complete; another by Miss Amanda Belknap was very much admired, being so neatly arranged and finely shaded; and one of superior workmanship by Miss Julia Luther, attracted much attention.

October 14, 1864


A warning to New York’s 600,000 sportsmen was voiced by Conservation Commissioner Lithgow Osborne. “If everyone who plans to engage in hunting this fall will observe a few common sense rules, I am sure that the number of hunting accidents will be kept to a minimum.” 1. Don’t crawl through brush or fences and drag your gun after you. 2. Don’t carry a loaded gun in your car. There is a law against it. 3. Don’t forget your safety catch. 4. Don’t leave your gun loaded in your home where children can get at it. 5. Don’t become separated from your hunting party, especially if some members are less experienced. 6. Don’t fire your gun unless you are certain of your quarry. Persons who are involved in hunting accidents causing death or injury to others must have their license revoked for one to ten years.

October 18, 1939


The Cooperstown Village Library Board voted last Thursday afternoon at a business meeting to become a member of the Four-County Library System, the member libraries of which are located in Otsego, Delaware, Broome and Chenango counties. Marcus A. Wright of Binghamton, director of the organization, met with the board and gave a presentation about the system which was established in June 1960 with 29 charter libraries. Mr. Wright stated that the Four-County Library System was formed to help improve local systems by the use of more books, etc. In no way do they come in and tell the local library how to run the operation.

October 14, 1964


The Cook Foundation recently announced that it has received conservation easements from Patten of New York Corporation and Glimmerglen Hills. Bob Cook, president of the foundation, said conservation easements are designed to protect open spaces, scenic views and ecologically significant lands. “A conservation easement is a legal agreement between a property owner and the holder of an easement and governs the current and future owners’ treatment of the property short of outright ownership,” Cook explained. The easements involve two archaeological sites overlooking Canadarago Lake in the Town of Otsego. “I believe these are the first conservation easements to be created in northern Otsego County,” Cook said.

October 18, 1989


Every so often, Richard DiMaggio develops a craving for a really good hot dog. So, after watching a PBS special featuring regional hot dogs, he started dreaming again about opening his own restaurant and making specialty sandwiches. That was two years ago. Now, DiMaggio’s is slated to open March 1 in the perfect spot, just a mustard bottle squirt away from the entrance to the Cooperstown Dreams Park on State Highway 28. Chicago-style hotdogs will be featured at DiMaggio’s, dressed with yellow mustard, sweet green relish, chopped onions, tomato and celery seeds.

October 15, 2004


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