Rubber Ducky Races Punctuate
Huge Turnout At Fly Creek Mill
FLY CREEK – The Cooperstown Lions’ Club Rubber Ducky races were a novelty, but clear skies and temperatures near 80 brought the usual throng today to the Fly Creek Cider Mill, where the 1889 Boomer & Boschert water-hydraulic press is in constant motion, turning apples into cider.
In top photo, Lion Bill Senif mans the Lions’ booth as Gracelyn DeNigro, 12, of Utica, picks a rubber ducky to compete in hourly races. Mom Carla advises as dad Bill looks on. The races continue through 4 p.m. Sunday, with every duck making its owner eligible for the final grand-prize race. You don’t have to be there to win.
At right, Abygayle Werchowski, 3, of Jordanville, takes advantage of the Bounce House, one of numerous activities available for all ages at the historic property.