Vote Possible
In December
$75,000 Put In 2020 Budget, But
It’s Unclear If The 'Ayes' Will Win

By JIM KEVLIN • Special to
COOPERSTOWN – A vote on creating a county administrator position may come as soon as December, county Rep. Meg Kennedy, R-C/Mount Vision, told the county Board of Representatives meeting this morning.
“This is momentous,” reacted county Rep. Gary Koutnik, D-Oneonta, the board’s vice chairman. “We have a timeline!” Retiring at year’s end, he said hiring a county administrator would be the most important decision of his decade on the county board.
Kennedy told her colleagues $75,000 has been placed in to prospective 2020 county budget for this purpose, with the idea that, if the position is approved, it would take until mid-year for the recruitment and hiring process to be completed.
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