Aitken: Generosity Much Appreciated – All Otsego

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Letter from Margie Aitken

Generosity Much Appreciated

Editor’s Note: The following letter on behalf of The Salvation Army is in thanks for donations made this holiday season to the Angel Tree Program by readers of “The Freeman’s Journal” and “Hometown Oneonta.” This is the 102nd year our readers have participated in this community tradition that began with The Freeman’s Journal Christmas Fund in 1921.

I cannot begin to tell you how much we here at The Salvation Army appreciate all that [Iron String Press] did for us during this Christmas season. Your donation for families in need this Christmas was a wonderful gift to us as well as to the families that you helped.

With your help, we were able to meet our goal of helping families and go above. For that we are eternally grateful. This year, we were able to help over 255 families and give gifts to approximately 475 children. It is this kind of generosity that makes it possible for us to show God’s love and “Do The Most Good” all year long. People will be fed, helped with housing expenses, clothing, energy costs, and more, and it is all due to the kindness of people like you.

Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers all year and not just during the Christmas season.

May God bless you.

Margie Aitken
Envoy, Officer in Charge
The Salvation Army


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