EDITORIAL Reprinted From This Week’s
Hometown Oneonta, Freeman’s Journal
He’s Ready For White House;
Americans Ready For Him
Already, he seems presidential, never more than this past Monday in announcing his collaboration with five other Northeast governors in a multi-state council “to restore the economy and get people back to work.”
Let’s do it.
In the five weeks of New York State’s fight against the coronavirus invasion, the governor’s shown all the qualities of leadership. He’s told the truth, good and bad. He’s had a plan. He declared a State of Emergency and implemented its most Draconian measures, unstintingly. He’s been decisive. He’s been human, and at times actually humorous.
President? I think not. He infected thousands of people in the area surrounding NYC area by letting NYC residents know he was closing the state weeks ago. This caused thousands to flee the city and infect the surrounding area.