Letter from Nancy Angerer
Basile Best for County Clerk
Jennifer Basile is the only qualified candidate for our Otsego County clerk. The position of Otsego County clerk is not one with “on the job training.” You must be knowledgeable. It is inherent that this position be filled by a candidate, like Jennifer, with vast experience, legal and otherwise, and years of knowledge of both the clerk’s office and the DMV.
Jennifer Basile has a proven track record as deputy clerk; efficient, effective, professional, and dedicated to her community and the entire county. I have had the pleasure of knowing Jennifer professionally for the past 14 years in her capacity at the clerk’s office.
I have also had the pleasure of knowing Jennifer personally for the past five years. Jennifer is, without a doubt, the finest candidate to hold the position of Otsego County clerk.
Nancy C. Angerer
Lamb Realty, Principal Broker/Owner
This is spot on. Benton has no experience and his supposed angles of having “energy” and “vision” are ridiculous in terms of embracing a demanding clerk office. “Energy” meaning what?? How does Jennifer not have said “energy”. And what is this “vision” nonsense? Empty platitudes to be sure! Basile is clearly the only option when political ambitions are cast aside for real experience.