Another Job Well Done

OTSEGO LAKE—Above, SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station Master Diver Trainer Paul H. Lord, SUNY Oneonta BFS Volunteer Diver and Diver Instructor David Turner, SUNY Oneonta graduate biology major Brandon Guerrero and SUNY Oneonta undergraduate biology major Kari Minissale smile after diving in Otsego Lake to retrieve the Springfield Landing no-wake zone buoy on Saturday, December 17.
Below, Alex Segina and Trey Lambrecht, both SUNY Oneonta undergraduate biology majors, give the okay sign after diving to retrieve the Lake Front Landing no-wake zone buoy the same day. The divers navigated through floating ice to reach their destinations. These same two buoys will be the first to be returned to Otsego Lake as soon as the ice is gone. Not shown are SUNY Oneonta BFS Volunteer Diver and Master Diver Lee Ferrara, who coached divers through the swap of the NWZB for the winter spar buoy, and SUNY Oneonta graduate biology major Brian Hefferon, who assisted.