Anti-Windmill Allies
Lose Richfield Races
Nick Palevsky In; Kane Seamon Out
By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com
RICHFIELD SPRINGS – The tide is going out on anti-wind power here.
In last night’s Republican primary, former town supervisor Nick Palevsky, a critic of Monticello Hills wind farm opponents who took over much of town government, won the Republican primary for town supervisor, 158-148.
He defeated David Simonds, a local pastor who had support of the Protect Richfield! anti-wind neighbors.
Also, an incumbent allied with the anti-wind group, Kane Seamon, lost his bid for the Republican nomination for Town Board. An incumbent who resisted the windmill foes, Fred Eckler, and newcomer Edward T. Bello Jr. won the Republican nod to run in the Nov. 5 general election.
The tally was Eckler 198, Bello 186, and Seamon 147
“At ths point,” said Palevsky, “I assume the lead will hold and the community will end up endorsing a change toward more transparency and more participation.”