At CCS, Curriculum Director
Succeeds Executive Principal

COOPERSTOWN – Veteran teacher Kristin Butler has been appointed director of curriculum, instruction & assessment, responsible for implementation of the Common Core in the Cooperstown Central School District.
The position replaces that of executive principal, created when Lynn Strang was recruited in 2013 to move the testing-base curriculum forward. While she is departing at the end of the school year, Strang’s effort pushed CCS’ 2013 test results into the top 2 percent of schools in the state, winning a “Reward School” citation.
Butler has taught fifth and sixth grades at Cooperstown Elementary for the past nine years. She is currently teaching fifth grade and serves as grade level chair. Previously, she taught for two years at Fair Oaks Elementary in Henrico, Va.
She’s been a member of the district’s Inquiry Team, charged with implementing the Common Core locally. As a “teacher ambassador” on ONC BOCES’ Network Team, she attended several state Education Department “Race to the Top” training sessions, and has presented within the BOCES region on several Common Core topics.
She is married and the mother of two. This fall, her daughter will be entering second grade and her son kindergarten at Cooperstown Elementary.
“Mrs. Butler’s experience and expertise will help continue to strengthen the district’s K-12 academic programs,” Supt. of Schools C.J. Hebert said in a press release. “Her ability to build professional capacity will ultimately enrich student experience.”