Atlanta Police Chief,
Who Resigned After
Death, Morris Native
By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to

MORRIS – Erika Shields, the Atlanta Police chief who resigned in the wake of the Rayshard Brooks shooting by police on Friday, is a Morris native, according to reports.
Shields graduated from Unatego Central School and received a master’s degree in criminal justice from Saint Leo University in Florida. A 25-year veteran of the department, she replaced Chief George N. Turner when he retired at the end of 2016.
Her resignation was announced on Saturday, June 14 by Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.
“Because of her desire that Atlanta be a model of what meaningful reform should look like across this country, Chief Shields has offered to immediately step aside as police chief so that the city may move forward with urgency and rebuilding the trust so desperately needed throughout our communities,” said Bottoms in a statement.
Brooks, 27, was shot by shot in the back and killed by Atlanta police officer Garrett Rolfe following an incident at a Wendy’s drive-thru late Friday night. His death has been declared a homicide and Rolfe has been fired.
Work on crafting your headlines. This was confusing. I read it to make sure she wasn’t dead.