
JimK - Page 822


Raise Considered For Acting City Manager

Raise Considered For Acting City Manager ONEONTA – Common Council will consider giving City Finance Director Meg Hungerford a $31,771 raise while she serves as acting city manager until a successor is found to Martin Murphy, who left city employ in July. The item was the topic of a “supplemental agenda” to the agenda for Tuesday evening’s regular council meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in City Hall.…


Telephone Service Out At Oneonta City Hall

Telephone Service Out At Oneonta City Hall ONEONTA – Please be aware that the telephones at City Hall are currently out of service.  The city is awaiting service from its telephone contractor. Both emergency phones and non-emergency numbers at the Oneonta Police Department and Oneonta Fire Department ARE working.  Phone service to Oneonta City Court is working normally.                 The Oneonta Police Department non-emergency number is (607)432-1113                The Oneonta Fire Department non-emergency number is (607)433-3480                The Oneonta City…


Oneonta Citizens Organize In Bernie Sanders’ Support

Oneonta Citizens Organize In Bernie Sanders’ Support ONEONTA – A citizens group, Oneonta For Bernie Sanders, has formed in support of the U.S. Senator from Vermont who is running for the Democratic nomination for President. Last Wednesday at Elks Club, 25 residents of Otsego, Delaware, and Chenango counties met to watch to a livestream of a Sanders rally in Cincinnati, Ohio. The group, ranging in age from 4 to 82, shared personal reasons for supporting Sanders, including a concern about…


Groff Daughter Wins Berth For 2016 Triathlon In Rio

Groff Daughter Wins Berth For 2016 Triathlon In Rio Cooperstown Olympian Sarah Groff – now Sarah True – and her London Games teammate Gwen Jorgensen today became the first U.S. triathletes to make the 2016 Olympic team with fourth- and first-place finishes respectively at the ITU World Olympic Qualification Event in Rio de Janeiro. Next summer’s Games will also be in Rio, and True and Jorgensen will be looking to become the second and third Americans to win an Olympic…


GOP Challenging Signature Of Voter With Cerebral Palsy

GOP Challenging Signature Of Voter With Cerebral Palsy Democratic Chair Asks Rick Hulse To Withdraw Lawsuit By JIM KEVLIN • for COOPERSTOWN – Since he has Cerebral Palsy, Patrick Dewey is unable to sign his name: Instead, he uses a rubber stamp with his “mark” above it. That’s not good enough for the county Republican Committee, according to Democratic Committee chair Richard Abbate of Cooperstown. In a lawsuit challenging the petitions of Democratic candidate Andrew Marietta, who is running against Republican county…

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