
JimK - Page 889

Drains Cut For North Side Rain Gardens ; Southside Soon Complete To Pioneer Alley

Drains Cut For North Side Rain Gardens ; Southside Soon Complete To Pioneer Alley Larry Springer from Central Paving, Ilion, cuts a drain between one of the rain gardens and the gutter this morning, one of the final steps to complete the Village of Cooperstown’s sidewalk project on the north side of Main Street.  Helping is Larry Belsted. Trees – due to be planted in the rain gardens later this month or in early November, after dormancy sets in – will be surrounded by water-friendly plants.…


HIGH COURT WON’T REVISIT ANTI-FRACKING DECISION The state Court of Appeals, New York’s highest court, decided today it will not rehear Norse Energy’s challenge to the Town of Dryden fracking ban, Associated Press is reporting. The court ruled last springt to support Dryden and the Town of Middlefield’s zoning laws prohibiting fracking within town limits.…

Mirroring Siena Poll, Gibson Survey Show Him Leading Eldridge, 56-30%

Mirroring Siena Poll, Gibson Survey Shows Him Leading Eldridge, 56-30% A poll by Public Opinion Strategies on behalf of the Gibson for Congress campaign showed U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson, R-19th, leads his Democratic challenger, Sean Eldridge, 56 percent to 30 percent, the incumbent’s campaign announced today. It was district-wide survey of 400 likely voters, reached via landline and cell phone Oct. 14-15 with a margin of error of +/- 4.9 percent in 95 out of 100 cases. The announcement said the new…

No Word Yet On CFA Ec-Dev Grants

No Word Yet On CFA Ec-Dev Grants Governor Cuomo’s announcement of CFA economic-development grants will not happen this week, and perhaps not next week, according to Jason Conwall, spokesman for the Empire State Development Corp. Originally, the announcement had been expected around Labor Day, the traditional start of the fall campaign season, but that had been delayed to mid-October and, now, beyond.  …


AS OF 3 P.M. TODAY, FOCUS TOOK OVER OTSEGO MANOR INDEX – The shift that punched out at 3 p.m. today at Otsego Manor worked for the County of Otsego. The shift that punched in works for Focus Ventures, the private operator of nursing homes, based in Airmont, Rockland County, that now owns the county nursing home. The plan had been to close the deal last Thursday, said county Rep. Kay Stuligross, D-Oneonta, who had been chairing the Otsego Manor Facilities…

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