Backing Impeachment,
Delgado, AOC Aligned,
Candidate German Says
Democrat Ran As Unifier, Challenger Says,
But Now Has ‘Abandoned His Commitment’

ONEONTA – 19th District Republican Congressional candidate Tony German said his prospective opponent, freshman incumbent Antonio Delgado, joined “the AOC wing of the Democratic Party” by coming out yesterday in favor of President Trump’s impeachment.
“With no impeachment hearings, investigations, or findings, Congressman Delgado is prepared to remove an elected President from office,” said German, retired commander of the New York State National Guard. “This is a far cry from the bipartisan and unifying message we heard in the Congressman slick campaign commercials less than two years ago.”
Until yesterday, Delgado, who represents a swing district, said he was awaiting fact to emerge to convince him impeachment was warranted.
“He was elected to work across the aisle and govern,” said German. “The Congressman abandoned his commitment governance in order to appease the most extreme elements of his base. This is exactly the type of behavior that inspired me to run. Politicians will never fix Washington.”
First of all, this is an impeachment INQUIRY, not a vote on actual impeachment. Typical political spin here; if German is not a politician, he’s doing a fine job of imitating one. Without this inquiry, serious allegations would go unchecked. If Trump was using the office of president to gain political advantage via a foreign leader, it is a serious offense. I am a moderate, and until now was against impeachment, but an inquiry is both prudent and justified at this point. One BIG question I would like to know the answer to is, why was Trump’s personal attorney, who is not a representative of the US, involved, and what does he know?