Barber Announces
Run For NY Senate
Schoharie Farmer Challenges Seward

MIDDLEBURGH – A fifth-generation farmer and son of a former state Ag & Markets commissioner announced here Saturday he’s seeking the Democratic nomination to run for state Senate in the 10-county 51st District, which includes Otsego County.
In he wins the nomination, Jim Barber would challenge state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, next fall.
He was was introduced by Congressman Paul Tonko, D-20th, who formerly represented Schoharie County in the state Assembly, who said he is “filled with hope and devotion” that Barber will “speak forcefully to issues of Upstate, rural New York and rural America.”
In his remarks, Barber told the gathering of 75 supporters, “The people of this district and New York State need someone willing to stand up for what is just and right, someone able to bring common sense and practicality to complex policy discussions, and someone who has a history of bringing people together to solve problems. That’s why I am running.”
Tonko also said he had a long relationship with Barber’s parents, Roger and Grace. The father served as state Agriculture & Markets commissioner under Gov. Hugh Carey in 1975-1983.