Bassett Appoints Vice Presidents
To Lead Physician, Nursing Units

COOPERSTOWN –Dr. Reginald Knight has been appointed the new senior vice president, chief physician executive for Bassett Healthcare Network, Dr. Tommy Ibrahim, president/CEO announced today.
Dr. Denise Robinson has accepted the role of senior vice president, chief nurse executive for the network, Ibrahim also announced.
Knight has been Fox Hospital’s vice president of Medical Affairs for more than five years, and also is director of Bassett’s Spine Care Institute. He has a bachelor’s from SUNY Oneonta, a master’s in health care administration from Capella University, and received his medical doctorate from SUNY Upstate Medical Center.
He completed an orthopedic spine fellowship at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester and accomplished his residency at Westchester Medical Center, Metropolitan Hospital, and Lincoln Hospital. He assumes his new duties.
Most recently, Dr. Robinson served as chief nursing officer for Loma Linda University Medical Center in California. She has more than 20 years of high-level experience in nursing management focusing on quality and patient safety initiatives, staff engagement, and patient satisfaction.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Skidmore College, a master’s degree in public health from Columbia University, and is a graduate of the doctor of nursing program at Case Western University. She will join Bassett Nov. 16.