Locals 'Prioritized,' Spokesman Says
Bassett Ready
If NYS Sends
Patients Here
Systems Adds 120 Beds,
Raising Capacity To 300
By LIZZIE COOPER • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com
COOPERSTOWN – Could Bassett Healthcare Network see an influx of COVID-19 patients from downstate? It’s possible.
In his briefing Friday, Governor Cuomo told reporters he is very concerned about finding hospital beds for all those who may be sickened by the Coronavirus.
“We have lower numbers in Upstate, so we are coordinating the downstate need with Upstate hospital beds,” he said. “It could be a person comes in from New York City, but we have a hospital bed in Albany, and if that’s what it gets to that’s what it gets to. If we have a hospital bed with a ventilator anywhere in the state I would be happy.”
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