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Beekman Boys, Christ Church,

Village Hall Among Honorees

Recipients of Otsego 2000’s Historic Preservation Awards for Otsego and Schoharie counties are, front row, from left, Maureen Culbert, Mary Ann Larkin and Kathy Merrick.  At right are the Beekman Boys – Brent Ridge, foreground, and Josh Kilmer-Purcell.  Second row, from left, are Cindy Falk, Paul Hager and Otsego 2000 President Nicole Dillingham.  Back row, from left, are Jeff Katz, Jim Dean and Bill Waller.  (

SPRINGFIELD CENTER – For its ongoing restoration of 22 Main, the Village of Cooperstown was among honorees at Otsego 2000’s annual Historic Preservation Awards presentation and reception yesterday evening at the renovated Chapin Chapel here.

Accepting the honor on the village’s behalf were Mayor Jeff Katz and Trustees Jim Dean and Cindy Falk.

The village received a Community Pillar Award, as did the Beekman Boys – Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge – for the restoration of Sharon Springs’ former village hall for their Beekman 1802 emporium.

Education and Outreach Awards went to:

  • The Springfield Historical Society, represented by Maureen Culbert, for its “History in Color” coloring book,
  • To Christ Episcopal Church, Cooperstown, for historical signage on its educational kiosk and cemetery signage, represented by Paul Hager and Bill Waller.
  • Honorable mention went to the Sharon Springs Community Cookbook, represented by Kathy Merrick and Mary Ann Larkin.




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