Bound Volumes 03-03-22 – All Otsego

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Bound Volumes

Humanity! The ship Alknomac, Capt. Hicks, from Sligo, was cast on shore on Martha’s Vineyard about the middle of December last. Commodore Rodgers, in the President on a cruise, made a harbor there the same evening; and to his credit be it said, and particularly by Irishmen be it ever remembered, he generously gave the passengers, in number 80, two dollars each, and also offered them any further assistance they might require until they arrived at New York, their port of destination. The gratitude of some of the passengers induced them immediately on their arrival to acquaint the subscriber with the circumstances and never did he give publicity to an act of humanity and good will with more satisfaction.

February 29, 1812

For Young Men – A Young Man’s First Lesson. I take it that the first great lesson a young man has to learn is, that he is an ass. The earlier this lesson is learned, the better it will be for his peace of mind and his success in life. Some never learn it, and descend into the evening of existence their ears lengthening with shadows, as they go. Some learn it early, get their ears cropped, and say nothing about it; while others sensibly retire into modest employments where they will not be noticed. A young man tied at home, and growing up in the light of parental admiration and fraternal pride, cannot readily understand how anyone can be as smart as he is. This is a critical period of his history. The result of his reasoning decides his fate. If he thoroughly comprehends the fact that he don’t know anything, and accepts the conviction that all the world around him knows more than he does, that he is but a cipher, and that whatever he gets must be won by hard work, there is hope for him.

February 28, 1862

The Work of the Editor – Most anyone can be an editor. All an editor has to do is to sit at his desk six days in the week, four weeks of the month and twelve months in the year and edit such stuff as this: “Mrs. Jones of Lost Creek let a can opener slip last week and cut herself in the pantry.” “ John Doe climbed on the roof of his house last week looking for a leak and fell, landing on his back porch.” “While Harold Green was escorting Miss Violet Wise home from a church social last Saturday night a savage dog attacked them and bit Mr. Green on the public square.” “Isaiah Trimmer of Lebanon was playing with a cat last Friday when it scratched him on the veranda.” “Mr. White, while harnessing a bronco last Saturday, was kicked just south of the corn crib.”

February 28, 1912

On Sunday, the frozen body of Miss Grace Curcio, aged 26 years, was found by a Boy Scout searching party on the John Hula farm under a clump of cedars several feet from the railroad track, a mile and a half from Jordanville. The young woman had been missing from her home at Richfield Springs since February 15. The first examination by Coroner C.C. Whittemore of Ilion, did not reveal marks of violence. It was assumed the young woman, who was reported to have been ill, died of exposure. She had been dead several days the coroner said. The temperature the day she disappeared, after announcing she was going for a walk, was below freezing and there was considerable snow.

March 3, 1937

Local – Miss Shirley Pernat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Pernat of Fly Creek, has been named to the Dean’s list at the State University College at Cortland. She has also been elected president of her dormitory. Her other activities include the Newman Club, Kappa Delta Pi, Hilltop Press, and the concert band.

February 28, 1962

Masi-Soule Associates of Cooperstown propose to build a 42-unit condominium development on the site of the present Glen Garage on Glen Avenue and adjacent properties. The units would be two-and-three-bedroom townhouse units, some as high as three stories. Steps are underway to change zoning in that area from a commercial district to a coordinated development district. The site includes 3.292 acres of land and will include 90 off-street parking places. Water and sewer lines would be extended. The units would be sold. The village stands to realize a revenue increase of slightly less than $7,500 a year.

March 4, 1987

Three local women – Claire Kepner, Becky Davidson-Nielsen and Betzi Sheff – are forming a support group for people who have been diagnosed with Scleroderma, like them, or who may be affected by its presence in family or friends. “It’s good to know what it is and can help with support and ideas, Kepner said. “And also, to know you’re not alone.” Scleroderma involves an over-production of collagen. Symptoms include abnormal sensitivity to cold in the extremities, swelling of hands and feet, pain and stiffness of joints, thickening of skin, joint contracture and gastrointestinal tract problems. Scleroderma is not contagious, cancerous, or inherited.

March 1, 2002


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