Bound Volumes
Those who have been led by federal falsehoods to fear that our country was in the high road to destruction will be gratified by that paragraph of the President’s Message which adverts to the state of our finances. From this it appears that no loan has been made during the past year; that the loan made in 1810 has been paid off; that the current expenses of the government have been defrayed; that the interest of the whole national debt has been discharged; and, that more than five millions of dollars of the principal of that debt have been reimbursed.
January 4, 1812
When entering upon the year which has just closed, clouds and darkness had already gathered over our country, and the future was full of doubt, apprehension and alarm. The Administration was openly betrayed by its chosen friends — the President was almost paralyzed by the alarming state of affairs around him — treason pervaded the army and navy, and every department of government. The magnitude of the rebellion suddenly sprung upon the country by those who had been long preparing for it, was not appreciated by anyone at the time; and even the new administration, which came into power two months later, did not deem it necessary to have the proposed army bill passed ere the adjournment of the old Congress. When Fort Sumter was assaulted and Washington threatened, 75,000 three-month volunteers were deemed sufficient to suppress the rebellion; and we were told by men
high in authority that 60 days would suffice to quell the disturbance and to restore the authority of the federal government throughout the Union.
January 3, 1862
Dr. James Bordley III, Director of the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, told the Rotary Club last week that a modern hospital is an economic enterprise, non-profit by law, and its success sometimes is judged by the size of its debit balance. He pointed out that Bassett Hospital a year ago ran a $400,000 deficit, and for this year it is expected to run close to $450,000. Bassett is a $2 million a year business, he added.
January 3, 1962
As of January 1, a new smoking policy went into effect at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown. Smoking will only be permitted in the two main lobbies, inpatient and outpatient lobbies, and in the designated area of the cafeteria. Patients who are bedridden may smoke only with the consent of their physician; those who are ambulatory may smoke only in the floor lounges during the four half-hour periods to be designated by the nursing office. Smoking is permitted on the hospital patio and outside.
January 7, 1987
There will be a public information session and hearing on the continued use of the “Redskins” nickname by the Cooperstown Central School District. The purpose of the hearing is to gather public opinion about the continued use of the nickname, image and mascot. An ad hoc committee, appointed late last summer by the Board of Education, will present a brief overview of their research.
January 4, 2002