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Bound Volumes

Novemer 17, 2022

Obituary – Died at Schlosser, in this state, on October 29th, Mr. Vine Griffin, late of this village, aged 21 years. Mr. Griffin belonged to the detachment of militia which was called into the service of the United States. Impelled by devotion to his country, he voluntarily bid adieu to his friends and home, and dedicated himself to her service. His manly and social virtues, conciliated the friendship and esteem of his companions in arms; and his merit, activity, and faithful discharge of his duty as a soldier, early attracted the notice of his superiors, and were rewarded by promotion. Frankness, generosity, sincerity, benevolence, sensibility to the woes of others, and a sense of honor which rendered him incapable of a mean action – these were virtues which strongly marked his character, and endeared him to his associates. A numerous circle of friends condole with his afflicted relatives on this melancholy occasion.

November 14, 1812

Excerpts from a Proclamation by William Marcy, Governor of the State of New York – During the past season, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations has liberally dispensed his benefactions to the people of this State. Together with the full enjoyment of the rights of conscience, with public tranquility, and the increase and diffusion of knowledge, they continue to be blessed with civil institutions admirably calculated to secure, in the highest degree, their social happiness and the benefits of a free government. The dealings of Divine Providence with us, as individuals and as a political community, have been in other respects distinguished by unusual kindness and liberality. We have been mercifully exempted from those calamities which are frequently permitted to afflict nations; we have enjoyed an unusual degree of public health; and have been favored with a fruitful season and a plenteous harvest. I do therefore, in conformity to established usage, appoint Thursday, the 30th of November next, as a day of public Thanksgiving, and respectfully recommend its due observance as such to the good people of this state. W.L. Marcy.

November 13, 1837

There are few people in Washington who know of the great amount of business done here in the buying of Government horses. Away beyond the President’s House and south of the enclosure devoted to Washington’s equestrian statue known as the “Circle,” and adjoining the Observatory Grounds in the First Ward of the city, is an immense series of shops, yards and stables call the “Government Horse Corral.” At this place all the Army horses and mules are bought and inspected; sick and worn-out animals put in hospitals; wagons repaired and teams furnished. There are over 8,000 men employed in these shops, and the cost of labor and material is nearly $40,000 a month. There have been as many as 19,000 horses and mules in the corrals at one time, and the daily average is 15,000.

November 14, 1862

The County of Otsego has a voting population of about 15,000. It is estimated that about 14,000 will be polled. The two parties are evenly balanced. When it is remembered that Otsego went Democratic in 1876 by 168, Republican in ’78 by 377, Democratic in ’79 by 62 on Governor and 100 Republican on Lieutenant-Governor, Democratic in 1880 by 28, Democratic in ’85 by 72, Republican in ’86 by 53, it will readily be conceded that the county is about as near a tie as well can be, and that neither party can claim a majority.

November 11, 1887

Members of the Cooperstown high school football team, fresh from their victory over the Oneonta high school the preceding Saturday, were guests of honor at the regular luncheon of the Rotary Club at the Cooper Inn on Tuesday. They had the pleasure of hearing an address by Lieutenant Conrad F. Necrason of the United States Army Aviation Corps who related his experiences since he was graduated here in 1932. “Connie,” as the Lieutenant is known to everyone here, spent a year at Lafayette College and then entered West Point graduated with honor and then entered the air corps. He has completed his training and is now home on leave before going to the Philippines where he has been stationed.

November 17, 1937

A capacity crowd was present at the joint meeting of the Woman’s Club of Cooperstown and the Criterion Club on Wednesday, November 7, at the Fenimore House. Bridal gowns of interest to all the ladies were displayed in a “Brides Through the Years” program. Gowns dating back to 1849 and as late as 1957 were featured. Mrs. William H. Sheffield, Jr. narrated. James Millen played organ music with appropriate old to new numbers for the gowns modeled. It was a marvel that the oldest gown, a 113-year-old embroidered silk, was still in perfect condition. The gown was originally worn by the grandmother of Mrs. George M. MacKenzie of Bowerstown.

November 14, 1962

A fire of undetermined origin destroyed The Market Place at 93 Main St. The blaze also did considerable smoke and water damage to The Cupboard located next door at 91 Main Street. The fire broke out at 11 p.m. Sunday evening. The first alarm was reported when Blake Hayes noticed smoke coming out of the front of the building. The business office of the Glimmerglass Opera lost its files and equipment. The building is owned by William Pepper.

November 18, 1987

First-year teacher Lindsay Hayes will direct the CCS student production of “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown,” based on the late Charles Schultz’s comic strip “Peanuts.” Hayes, who was hired in August, said she had always planned to be an elementary school teacher and direct a high school musical. “Those two things happened within two weeks of each other and I never expected that, so I’m dealing. It’s fun.”

November 15, 2002


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