Bound Volumes
Notice — All persons indebted to the estate of William Cooper, of Cooperstown, County of Otsego, and State of New York, deceased, are requested to make payment to the subscribers; and all persons, having demands against said estate, are requested to present the same for settlement. Richard Fennimore Cooper, Isaac Cooper, Executors.
Public Notice — The proprietors of the Otsego Library, are requested to meet on Wednesday, the third of January, at 3 p.m. at the house of William A. Boyd — to adopt such measures as shall be thought advisable. A general and particular invitation is hereby given by order of the trustees, Wm. A. Boyd, Librarian. N.B. It is requested that all books be returned at the above time.
January 6, 1811
New Type — The Journal commences the New Year with a complete and beautiful “new dress” from the celebrated foundry of Conner & Sons, New York — an improvement rendered necessary by the amount of work the old type had sustained during a period of upwards of four years. All the advertisements will be reset by another week. The general typographical features of the paper are retained.
January 6, 1861
Slave to fashion — She was dressing for church and the bells had continued to ring. He was impatiently waiting and when it came to placing in position an article of
feminine attire that had been omitted in its regular order
he suggested that it was an unnecessary appendage. “Yes, but it is the fashion.” “But remember you are going to church, and the fashion of this world passeth away.”
“True, my dear, but the bustle of the world does not!”
January 10, 1886
Deputy County Clerk Robert O. Marshall came downtown New Year’s morning and spotted Muggs, the Orphan House donkey walking dolefully down the middle of the street alone and unattended. Imbued with the beneficent spirit of the season, Marshall concluded that Muggs must have wandered away and was lost and thus needed shelter, food and care. When the Good Samaritan approached, Muggs flopped one of its hind legs, then both of them. After a while Mr. Marshall coaxed Muggs into the Lettis livery stable, telling the landlord thereof to feed him and when he came again that way he would repay him. Mr. Lettis fed the donkey a bale of hay and then telephoned the matron that her orphan child was in his custody. The request came back that Muggs be again liberated; that he was only taking his morning walk and would come back home when he got ready.
January 8, 1911