Bound volumes: August 19, 2021 – All Otsego

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Bound volumes

Regarding the affair with the British Ship Little Belt – We are sorry to hear, upon authority which we cannot doubt, that the article purporting to be Captain Bingham’s official letter to Admiral Sawyer, giving an account of the affair between the President frigate and the Little Belt, is a shameful forgery, fabricated by some young men at New York, in a fit of wantonness. It would be difficult to speak in terms of appropriate reprobation of a transaction so unwarrantable. It has already been productive of no little mischief by irritating the feelings of the public, and may yet be followed by consequences still more serious.
August 17, 1811

The party opposed to the Democracy, having failed of success under every cognomen they assumed, such as Federalists, National Republicans, Peoples-men, No-Party-Party, Tariff-men, Anti-masons, and last of all Whigs, have resorted to a new expedient to get up an interest favorable to the design of elevating themselves to power. Knowing that the working men, meaning those who live by habitual labor at the mechanic trades and by the cultivation of Mother Earth, are mostly democrats in principle, they now attempt by appeals to these exclusive interests, representing them as being aggrieved and wronged by legislative and judicial action, to array a new party, in the hope by this artifice to estrange so many from the republican family, as, jointly with the remnants of the forces of the old disbanded corps, may effect a revolution in the state government, and thus array New York in hostility to the national administration.
August 22, 1836

To Destroy Flies – To one pint of milk add a quarter of a pound of raw sugar and two ounces of ground pepper. Simmer them together eight or ten minutes, and place it about in shallow dishes. The flies attack it readily and are soon suffocated. By this method kitchens may be kept clear of flies all summer, without the danger attending poison.
The Mohawk Valley Band, at present on a visit to this village, have afforded many of our citizens the pleasure of listening to some excellent music.
August 23, 1861

The Kellogg family centennial occurred on Wednesday of last week on the old homestead established in 1786 by Ezekiel Kellogg in Pierstown. It was an event of much interest, not alone to the members of the family and their connections, but to many friends and neighbors. We think it is the first event of the kind which has occurred in Otsego County. Descendants were present from several states.
August 21, 1886

Through the prompt and efficient work of the management, a petty thief, who had been operating at the O-te-sa-ga Hotel, has been arrested and is now locked up in the county jail. His name is Joe Donnelly, and he has been a bellboy at the hotel during the present season. He seemed to have a mania for sneaking into the rooms of the guests during their absence and taking away jewelry and small trinkets. He has confessed and returned most of the stolen property.
August 23, 1911

A public meeting at which the Cooperstown Area Master Plan will be outlined in detail will be held in the cafeteria of the elementary school, Wednesday evening, August 30, at 8 o’clock. Blair Associates of Providence, Rhode Island, has been developing the plan for the past 15 months under a contract entered into by the village with funds raised entirely by public subscription. The plan encompasses the entire village of Cooperstown, plus portions of the towns of Otsego, Middlefield and Springfield, with approximately a half mile of Otsego Lake. It defines the problems, short-range and long-range.
August 23, 1961

This Saturday, August 23, dog owners can take advantage of a free dog-dipping program offered at the Cooperstown Agway store on Railroad Avenue from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A quick dip rids dogs of annoying ticks, fleas and lice. Agway provides the dip. You dip the dog yourself. Store owner Niles Curtis asks that all dogs be on leashes and recommends that you bring a towel for drying your pet off after the dip.
August 20, 1986


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