BOUND VOLUMES, January 23, 2014
Report from Congress – House of Representatives, Friday, January 7, 1814: Mr. Wheaton, of Massachusetts, presented a petition of Paul Cuffee, a free colored man, who states, that from the motives of religion and humanity he has been induced to attempt the civilization of the inhabitants of the African continent, and praying permission for a vessel to depart from the United States to Sierra Leone for the purpose of carrying a number of families of free colored people to effect the object of his undertaking – Referred to the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures.
January 22, 1814
An old subscriber, Mr. William Crandal of Exeter, sends pay for the 56th year of his subscription to the Journal. He says: “I am 82 years old and partially bereft of sight; but I should feel lonely without the Journal, which I have taken ever since the late Col. Prentiss came to Cooperstown. (Ed. Note: In 1838, while John Prentiss was away serving the district as U.S. Congressman, William Crandal substituted as Editor of the Journal)
Deserter shot – Officer Selah Fish went to Pittsfield, Otsego County, on Sunday to arrest a deserter named Brown. He entered the house where the young man was stopping and found him in the company of his father. On stating his business, the two made an attack upon him, one of them striking him with a knife. The deserter then tried to escape when Mr. Fish fired upon him. The first shot struck him in the arm, above the elbow; the second in the leg below the knee; the third, which stopped him, in the thigh. Brown was brought to Norwich and lodged in jail, and on Monday the balls were taken out. He was pretty badly hurt.
January 22, 1864
Local – The wants of the excellent Fire Department of Cooperstown were the main cause of the erection of the handsome village public building on Chestnut Street, and in supplying this need a commodious Hall was also secured. It was first opened on Friday evening last, when upwards of 700 people gathered at the Concert and a majority remained at the dedication Ball – music by the Albany Lyceum Concert Co. and Gartland’s Tenth Regiment Orchestra – given under direction and management of the fire department. The Hall is of fine proportions, is well lighted by electricity, warmed by a furnace, and the acoustic properties are excellent. The expense incurred in its erection is now regretted by no one.
January 25, 1889
Aviation’s death toll in 1913 was the heaviest of any year, as was to be expected, as more birdmen were making flights. In 1912, there were 140 aviation fatalities, while there were 192 deaths in 1913. Up to 1912, there had been 114 deaths. In 1913, there were 26 deaths from aviation in the United States, 18 in Great Britain, 61 in Germany, 51 in France and 36 in various other countries. Of the deaths, 12 were from drowning after falling from the air, 157 were killed by the impact of falling to earth, nine were burned to death and of the 14 others who were killed in various ways nine were spectators who were watching the birdmen.
January 21, 1914
Plans are complete for the Ice Carnival to be held at the Cooper Inn rink on Wednesday night. The program of events will start at 8:15 o’clock with a revue by the Cooperstown Girls’ sextet composed of the Misses Nicci Sozzi, Mary McGown, Doris Blanchard, Mary Davidson, Barbara Hall and Connie Armitage. At 8:30 o’clock a grand parade will be held and prizes will be given for the most original costumes worn by men and women. The judging will be done by two disinterested people picked from the audience. After that a game of musical chairs for women will be played. At 9 o’clock Arthur Meechan of this village will give a demonstration of figure skating, to be followed by a musical game of chairs for men. Dancing will follow in the Inn from 10 o’clock until midnight.
January 25, 1939
Five men who recently joined the Cooperstown Rotary Club were formally inducted at the club’s regular weekly luncheon at the Hotel Otesaga on Tuesday of this week. They were Edward C. Smith, J. Edgar Badgley, Frank E. Demaree, Malcolm M. Brooks, and Frederick L. Reynolds. Frank C. Carpenter, a 40-year member of the club, spoke briefly on the aims and objects of Rotary, pointing his remarks especially at the new members. He emphasized the role the individual Rotarian must play if he is to live the spirit of the Rotary code. John A. Sill reviewed many of the projects in which the club has been involved in more than four decades of existence. Mr. Sill said the club recently undertook development of a student exchange program.
January 22, 1964
The fate of the trolley transportation system in the village this summer will be determined in the next few weeks when the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce decides whether or not to endorse the project. Chamber representatives and members of the village parking committee, led by trustee Pamela Washburn, have been meeting to work out an agreement. The Chamber has been seeking “major support” from the Baseball Hall of Fame, the Farmers’ Museum and the Fenimore House, according to the Chamber’s spokesman, Irving “Peter” Day.
January 25, 1989
Last Saturday, January 10, Otsego Lake was officially closed for the season. With temperatures falling well below zero, the lake was completely frozen with ice. Recent years have seen the lake close around the same date, if at all, including January 14 in 2003; December 29 in 2001; and December 19 in 2000. The lake did not close in 2002.
“Uncovered: The Whole Truth about Iraq” will be shown to the public at the Otsego County Courthouse on February 11 at 7:30 p.m. A discussion will be moderated by Paul Scheele, SUNY Oneonta political science professor emeritus.
January 23, 2004