Bound Volumes: June 10, 2021 – All Otsego

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Bound Volumes

June 10, 2021

Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources
courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library


Advertisement – Just received and for sale at the Book Store of H. & E. Phinney, The Christian Soldier: or Heaven Taken by Storm – Shewing the holy violence a Christian is put to in pursuit after glory. By Thomas Watson, Minister of the Gospel.

June 8, 1811


The change in the 5th Senatorial District, by which Otsego takes the place of Herkimer, is not such as was desired by the Republicans of this county. Not that we have aught to say in disrespect of Otsego, but that democratic Herkimer has long been considered as “bone of our bone,” with whose democracy there is “no variableness or shadow of turning.” As it respects local interests, Otsego has nothing in common with Jefferson, but much, very much with Oneida. Hence there will be a tendency to combine for specific purposes, in which the counties north of Utica must be losers. We hope no advantage will be taken of this change to force upon us nominations obnoxious to our republican friends, but that our conventional assemblies will have but one object in view – the Public Good.

June 13, 1836


Camp Meeting – The annual Camp Meeting for Otsego District of the M.E. Church will be held at Fly Creek, on the old battleground, commencing June 24, and ending Saturday following. The object of this meeting is purely religious. It will be conducted in a manner calculated to honor Christianity. The members of the church in this and adjoining districts are cordially and earnestly requested to be present, and help sustain the meeting. Rally, brethren, as the friends of God and humanity, and by your presence and cooperation give interest to the occasion. Ministers generally are invited to be present and labor with us. J.T. Wright, P.E., Cooperstown, June 12, 1861.

June 14, 1861


The Mormons – A curious phase of the Mormon difficulty is revealed by a letter to Governor West. The signers declare that of the forty-nine Mormons now imprisoned all but four had plural wives for thirty-five years prior to the passage of the Edmunds law. Before making any promise to obey this law in the future they want to know if they are expected to repudiate all of their wives but the first, and to confess that the majority of their children are illegitimate. They declare that they will suffer perpetual imprisonment rather than be guilty of such perfidy. Certainly the question is one not easy to meet in all its phases.

June 12, 1886


Jack Buttitta of this village announces the opening Saturday, June 6, of a completely equipped soda bar and sandwich shop at No. 75 Chestnut Street opposite the high school building to be known as Jack’s Soda Fountain and Sandwich Shop. Mr. Buttitta is well known in this village and has had eight years’ experience in this line in some of the better hotels and restaurants of the country. For the past few weeks he has been completely renovating a portion of the building carrying out a color scheme in black and white. The shop is equipped with tables and a modern soda dispensary. He will carry a complete line of cigars, cigarettes, candy, etc. Yerdon’s ice cream will be served. Free Indian headdresses will be given to children on the opening day.

June 10, 1936


Neal R. Nielsen, general contractor of Oneonta, has begun work on the first part of a multi-step alteration program at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown. The contract provides for extensive renovation in the hospital’s south wing and is scheduled for completion by August 1. Until then, only four of six nursing units will be in service. On the first floor, the old South Ward is undergoing major changes which will eliminate the ward room and provide facilities for surgical patients in two and four-bed units. Additional bathrooms, a new utility room and new nurses’ station will be provided. A new call system for nurses, new lighting, and provision for the furnishing of oxygen and vacuum systems at the patient’s bedside are features of the new surgical facilities. On the second floor the Maternity Ward is being completely remodeled. New Vari-Hite beds and matching furniture will be used in the surgical (south) unit and both floors will be refurnished and redecorated.

June 7, 1961


Edward Edwards, who was murdered in his Cooperstown home in 1873, will take part in the Cooperstown Bicentennial parade this weekend – or at least his face will. A portrait of Edwards is painted on the back of the Neptune Engine #3, a New York City style hand pumper used to fight fires in Cooperstown in the 1800s. The pumper will be placed on a flatbed and pulled by a horse in the Bicentennial parade, just like it was for the village’s charter centennial celebration in 1907. Members of the Neptune Engine Company had Edwards’ portrait painted on the Neptune in 1878 by George Newell in memory of Edwards, who was the fire company’s foreman at one time.

June 11, 1986


The Cooperstown Ecumenical Youth Group encourages middle and high school kids to socialize and have fun while keeping in touch with Christian ideals. The inspiration for the youth group arose two years ago from discussions between Father Doug Smith of Christ Church and Co-pastors Steve and Lin Quinlan of the Presbyterian Church. Both churches were looking for a way to best serve the youth of the community when they decided to join forces and create a Christian organization for local kids. Smith and the Quinlans passed their idea on to other areas churches and found an additional partner at St. Mary’s Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic Church. The three churches then combined to form the youth group. “Each church was struggling to find fun and creative ways to have teens get together and have meaning,” explained Lin Quinlan.

June 8, 2001


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