BOUND VOLUMES, June 19, 2014
The arrival of the white flag of France in our port (New York), after an absence of upwards of twenty years, is a great novelty in maritime occurrences, and may perhaps be viewed as the forerunner of a new era in our commercial history. The Olive Tree may prove the olive branch of peace, the promise of rest and cessation to the troubled waters of the world. The revival of the ancient regime, or old system of trade under the French monarchy, however, is not speedily to be expected. The arbiters of national affairs in Paris are to determine on that point. We must take what they give. And fortunately for us, as their wants are precisely the same as ours, it may very possibly happen, that in securing rights to themselves they will obtain for us more than we could readily anticipate from our own exertions. The times are pregnant with great events for us.
June 22, 1814
Resolution of the Otsego Presbytery at its semi-annual meeting held in Westford, June 10, 1839: “Resolved, That we, as a Presbytery, deem it the imperative duty of every minister of the gospel to raise his voice in vindication of the rights of the oppressed, and to exert his ministerial influence to do away the enormous sin of slavery; and that those ministers who refuse, by their silence or evasion, to present the claims of the oppressed, either in their pulpits, or on some other suitable occasion, in our opinion suppress important gospel truths, which are imperiously needed by the exigencies of the times.”
June 17, 1839
A Disappointment – On the evening of Thursday last, the “big gun” was brought out and a salute fired near the village. Eager for news from the army, the people gathered around the telegraph office, or stopped each other in the street, hopefully inquiring, “Has Grant defeated Lee?’ “Is Richmond captured?” “Have we achieved a victory?” At first no one seemed to know what the firing meant. And, when finally it was stated that a few office-holders and others were firing a salute over the re-nomination of Mr. Lincoln, a feeling of disappointment and sadness came over the people. There was no hilarity, even among Republicans.
June 17, 1864
The laying of the Corner Stone of the new Baptist Church on the old site on Elm Street took place on Thursday afternoon of last week in the presence of a large congregation of people of different denominations. The services occupied only an hour, and gave evident pleasure and satisfaction to those present. Mr. McHarg, the Presbyterian pastor, spoke about 15 minutes in his usual impressive manner, and Mr. Boardman, the Baptist pastor, following in remarks not more extended, and in the most-happy vein. Among many articles placed in the Corner Stone were a complete list of officers and members of the church; a photograph of the old church and Chapel, contributed by Mr. W.G. Smith; a copy of a booklet titled “Cooperstown on Otsego Lake,” contributed by Mr. S.J.W. Reynolds; a pamphlet titled “The Lord’s Supper” by Rev. S. T. Livermore, a former Pastor; also the personal and business cards of a number of firms and residents of Cooperstown.
June 21, 1889
Plans are complete for National Association Day at the nation’s shrine of baseball in Cooperstown on Sunday, July 9th. Between the hours of 8 and 10:30 a.m. registration will take place at the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues Headquarters at Cooper Inn for all league representatives. At 10:45 a.m. the baseball library sponsored by the National Association, and which has been collected under the supervision of George M. Trautman, chairman of the executive committee, will be presented to the baseball museum. At the same time, a bronze tablet, commemorating the founding of the National Association will be presented. (Ed. Note: The presentation of the library collection marks the formal beginning of what became known as the National Baseball Library & Archive as a part of the museum.)
June 21, 1939
Karl E. Hill of Syracuse will open a new discount store in Cooperstown on June 25 to be known as the Farm & Home Bargain Center. It will occupy the building on Main Street which formerly housed the Grand Union store. The opening of the new store will fulfill a dream of long standing for Mr. Hill, a native of Germany who came to this country with his family as a small boy. The first book in the English language which he read was James Fenimore Cooper’s “Last of the Mohicans,” and ever since the Cooperstown area has held a special place in his heart. The store will be managed by his son Eric P. Hill.
June 17, 1964
Leatherstocking Corporation has entered into a contract for the purchase of the Glen Avenue Masi-Soule property including the Glen Garage building. The total acreage involved is just over three acres with 481 feet of frontage on upper Main Street and 328 feet of frontage on State Hwy. 28. It is zoned for commercial use. In 1987, the Masi-Soule partnership had proposed building a 41-unit town house development but the project was abandoned after concerns were raised about population density, water supply, sewer systems and traffic flow. (Ed. note: The property is now the site of a peripheral parking lot. A banking institution occupies the former Glen Garage building)
June 21, 1989
The 2004 Cooperstown Youth Baseball All-Star Tournament Team was announced on Tuesday by the league. The team will be managed by Bruce Brodersen. Mike Millea, Randy Reckeweg and Mark Davine will coach. Team members include Greg Brodersen, Mackenzie Curran, Ryan Davine, Tim Feik, Kyle Liner, Scott Millea, Tanner Niedzialkowski, Matt Orenstein, Chad Parshall, Ryan Parshall, Andrew Pink-Burton, and Matthew Pink-Burton. A tournament for six local teams will take place on June 24-26 and a 12-team District Tournament is scheduled for July 3 at Beanie Ainslie field.
June 18, 2004